Tribal Council 08/22/2022
[12:01] Felicity Coronet: I have a few comments, then Wendy has some things to bring to the tribe. After that I will open the discussion to any of you . . Taluna or kajira.
[12:01] Felicity Coronet: Asante. . . thank You for being here. I know I always star by saying that but I do appreciate You participating
[12:02] Felicity Coronet: Please us m@ to question or comment, and then # so we know you have finished
[12:03] Felicity Coronet: A couple of comments from Me first
[12:03] Felicity Coronet: I have been observing the behavior of Our kajirae. I find their participation in support of the tribe very positive and the role play they exhibit is really first rate.
[12:04] Felicity Coronet: However, one thing that I have spoken to 1st Girl about is an increased emphasis on what kajirae are and are not permitted to do.
[12:04] Sparrow Nyx (dragonfire.zhao) is online.
[12:04] Felicity Coronet: In the life of the tribe, they all are, after all, slaves . . .kajirae
[12:05] sukari (sierramagelan): sawubona Huntress MK
[12:05] Wendy Jelasco: sawbona Kuhani
[12:05] Petra (petea.topaz): Greetings Emm
[12:05] Felicity Coronet: We need to remember that when IC they need to be treated that way
[12:05] Felicity Coronet: They are not IC “pals”
[12:05] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): greetings all
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: Does not mean We need to become brutal at all. Just reinforce their “chosen role’ as slaves, kajirae
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: Sawubona ZEmm
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: Emm
[12:06] Felicity Coronet whispers: Did what I just say make sense?
[12:06] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): greetings my En\
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: She pauses for some feedbackc
[12:06] Arjay (rje) nods
[12:06] sukari (sierramagelan): yes my En
[12:06] Wendy Jelasco whispers: I will not buy a whip
[12:06] Felicity Coronet: Remember they are slaves, kajirae . . . “property”
[12:07] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): @
[12:07] Felicity Coronet: And remember . . . it is role play . . .not personal
[12:07] Felicity Coronet: Jazz?
[12:08] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): jazz way to say it uses the Capitalizatiton for D/s. Kajirae are sisters NOT Sisters..
[12:08] Arjay (rje) whispers “be nice but not too nice”
[12:08] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): #
[12:08] sukari (sierramagelan): I do that!!
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: Asante Jazz
[12:08] sukari (sierramagelan): oops sorry
[12:08] Isa (isalia.michalak): @
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: Other comments
[12:08] Felicity Coronet whispers: Isa?
[12:08] roho mbili (tf.latte) is online.
[12:09] Isa (isalia.michalak): I noticed that some kajirae really likes to be cuddled or even leashed … so maybe we need to that more
[12:09] Felicity Coronet: She winks to Sukari
[12:09] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): @
[12:09] Felicity Coronet: Absolutely!!!!
[12:09] Isa (isalia.michalak): @
[12:09] Isa (isalia.michalak): sorry #
[12:09] Felicity Coronet: Isa, if I may share some of Your beginning with the Wa Ngao???
[12:10] Isa (isalia.michalak): nods , yes of course my En
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: When the tribe was first founded, Isa was a kajira of in the tribe. Since then of course She asked to stand as a Taluna and We supported Her in that.
[12:11] sukari (sierramagelan) smiles to the Huntress
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: But to My point. Isa speaks with first hand knowledge of what kajirae desire
[12:11] Isa (isalia.michalak): smiles remembering that beautifull time
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: And She is quite correect
[12:11] Felicity Coronet: Asante for letting Me share that Isa
[12:12] Felicity Coronet whispers: Jazz?
[12:12] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): jazz has not met a kajira yet who does not like to be leashed! ..or cuddled!
[12:12] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): #
[12:12] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): i have
[12:12] Felicity Coronet: And remember Sisters . . . the kajirae are Your property
[12:13] Felicity Coronet: Sawubona 3rd Girl
[12:13] sukari (sierramagelan): sawubona 3rd sister
[12:13] Wolf (hina.mhia) is offline.
[12:13] Isa (isalia.michalak): Sawubona Roho
[12:13] roho mbili (tf.latte): sawubona my En Nashia Mosi ut Mjenzi and everyuone
[12:13] roho mbili (tf.latte): oh Balozi and sigters and huntresses too
[12:13] Felicity Coronet: If there are no other comments or question on that I will turn to Mosi Uta
[12:13] Loniki Loudon nods to Roho
[12:13] Felicity Coronet: The camp is Yours Wendy
[12:13] Wendy Jelasco: sawubona roho
[12:14] Wendy Jelasco: asante en
[12:14] Wendy Jelasco: *En
[12:14] Isa (isalia.michalak): giggles ….
[12:14] Wendy Jelasco: about a week ago I was contacted be Sar of Veck Jerag
[12:15] Wendy Jelasco: she asked me to ask the Huntresses of Wa Ngao
[12:16] Wendy Jelasco: who would engaged in combat in support with Veckies when attacked or when to move againse other tribes
[12:16] sukari (sierramagelan) flings her hand up
[12:16] roho mbili (tf.latte): tosses a nother log on the fire
[12:16] Rikki (rikki.falworth) is online.
[12:16] sukari (sierramagelan): girl can bandage!
[12:17] Wendy Jelasco: due to my time and pesky rl
[12:17] Scarlet (scarletmatahari) is offline.
[12:17] Wendy Jelasco: I have so far only 3
[12:17] Loniki Loudon: Wasn’t that what we did and they advised us not to?
[12:17] Isa (isalia.michalak): I would love to…; aldough it has been a long time that I did not battle
[12:17] Wendy Jelasco: but I will contact other Sisters who are not here
[12:18] Wendy Jelasco: now then the reason behind is not only numbers but we will have changes in the combat area on our door step
[12:19] Isa (isalia.michalak): @
[12:19] Wendy Jelasco: you will remember that I tried a regular training and practice
[12:19] Wendy Jelasco: but I failed as Taluna lacked the necessary discipline
[12:20] Wendy Jelasco: so Sisters you are on your own to work your skill out
[12:20] Wendy Jelasco: Isa please
[12:20] Isa (isalia.michalak): if we battle with the Veckies , wearing the Wa Ngao feathers (tag) the attackers may attack us … so maybe we should help them with a Veckie feather
[12:20] Felicity Coronet smiles
[12:20] Felicity Coronet: @
[12:20] Wendy Jelasco: En
[12:20] Isa (isalia.michalak): #
[12:20] Felicity Coronet: Isa, wear Your Wa Ngao tagh
[12:20] Felicity Coronet: *tag
[12:20] Isa (isalia.michalak): laughs …. oh my
[12:20] Wendy Jelasco: aii
[12:21] Wendy Jelasco: we do not hide
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: If We are in the Ushindi or Scheedi sims, We can be attacked
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: That has always been
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: BUt this sim and others remain safe. Any combat/capture is invalid
[12:21] sukari (sierramagelan): @
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: #
[12:21] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): @
[12:21] Wendy Jelasco: sukari?
[12:21] Felicity Coronet: Sukari, the Jazz
[12:21] Wendy Jelasco: then jazz please
[12:21] Wendy Jelasco: then jazz please
[12:22] sukari (sierramagelan): are we kajirae allowed to assist by bandaging?
[12:22] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): AII!!
[12:22] sukari (sierramagelan) grins big
[12:22] sukari (sierramagelan): #
[12:22] roho mbili (tf.latte): frowns and mumbles ‘messy’
[12:22] Wendy Jelasco: aii
[12:22] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Hot pursuit is still allowed or not ?
[12:22] Wendy Jelasco: aii
[12:23] roho mbili (tf.latte): shivers
[12:23] Wendy Jelasco: we agreed to that
[12:23] Wendy Jelasco: there will be changes to Schendi
[12:23] Isa (isalia.michalak): #
[12:23] Wendy Jelasco: we expect more strangers in the long run
[12:24] Wendy Jelasco: I will make our girls fit to hold their own
[12:24] roho mbili (tf.latte): gulps
[12:24] Wendy Jelasco: and I expect Huntresses to to defend them
[12:24] sukari (sierramagelan) grins
[12:25] Wendy Jelasco: to rush to prevent them to be taken
[12:25] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Is Hot pursuit allowed or not? “We agreed to that” does not answer an either/or question.
[12:25] Scarlet (scarletmatahari) is online.
[12:25] Felicity Coronet: A@
[12:25] Wendy Jelasco: En
[12:25] Isa (isalia.michalak): what is hot pursuit , please ?
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: Two things. 1) Many more Visitors/Strangers are showing up on the jungles
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: 2) The issue of Hot Pursuit will be clarified
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: As it stand now, there is NO hot pursuit into Wa Ngao lands
[12:27] Felicity Coronet: #
[12:27] Loniki Loudon: Its running back to a safe sim if you are losing
[12:27] roho mbili (tf.latte): oh i thought it was something different
[12:27] Rea Stoneshield (reachtail) is online.
[12:27] Shindia (shindia.forcella) is online.
[12:27] Isa (isalia.michalak): hmmmm….. you always can … (in most sims) but you cannot join the battle anymore
[12:28] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Hot pursuit is if run to safe sim while in combat ….combat can continue
[12:28] Wendy Jelasco: Veck Jerag does hot pursuit and we agreed to that
[12:28] Felicity Coronet: @
[12:28] Isa (isalia.michalak): #
[12:28] Wendy Jelasco: it also means the we who have not been fighting will not ibe impaired
[12:28] Isa (isalia.michalak): @
[12:28] Rea Stoneshield (reachtail) is offline.
[12:29] Felicity Coronet: Don’t get “pursuited” and it won’t be an issue
[12:29] Felicity Coronet winks
[12:29] Felicity Coronet: #
[12:29] Wendy Jelasco: this goes back when this Unn was ruling
[12:29] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Jazz stil waiting an answer En said no . Mosi Uta said yes.
[12:29] Wendy Jelasco: it is a grey sone jazz
[12:29] Wendy Jelasco: and a source for drama
[12:29] Isa (isalia.michalak): I think the only thing you cannot do … is jumping into safe zones and then back into battle
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: no fighter of the jungles
[12:30] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): #
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: will run to safety
[12:30] roho mbili (tf.latte): looks confused
[12:30] Felicity Coronet: ((As I said . . . .will be clarified))
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: specially not Wa Ngao
[12:30] roho mbili (tf.latte): smiles
[12:30] Isa (isalia.michalak): I have another question ….
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: and as En claryfies that is the way we will go
[12:31] Wendy Jelasco: Isa please
[12:31] Isa (isalia.michalak): What happens if our kajirae are taken prisonner by the attackers ? when they join the battle in bandaging and so ….. they should clearly write their limits …..
[12:32] Loniki Loudon: If, you help the veckies and you have to play by their rules, not ours.
[12:32] ღAi Yua Roseღ (marianuvaughn) is online.
[12:32] Isa (isalia.michalak): I remember my first battle when I was taken prisonner …. oh my …. It was very very tense (?) right word???
[12:32] sukari (sierramagelan): oh yes Huntress
[12:32] Isa (isalia.michalak): I really panniced
[12:33] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Wa Ngao do not rescue.
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: as Nasiha said if we engage we are subject to the rules of the sim
[12:33] roho mbili (tf.latte): huh?
[12:33] Isa (isalia.michalak): if one of our kajira is taken , I would raise an army to free them
[12:33] Petra (petea.topaz): @
[12:33] roho mbili (tf.latte): @
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: Rocky then roho
[12:34] Rea Stoneshield (reachtail) is online.
[12:34] Loniki Loudon: Need to check Veckie rules
[12:34] Petra (petea.topaz): the Wa Ngao may not rescue but we have many friends who will
[12:32] ღAi Yua Roseღ (marianuvaughn) is online.
[12:32] Isa (isalia.michalak): I remember my first battle when I was taken prisonner …. oh my …. It was very very tense (?) right word???
[12:32] sukari (sierramagelan): oh yes Huntress
[12:32] Isa (isalia.michalak): I really panniced
[12:33] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Wa Ngao do not rescue.
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: as Nasiha said if we engage we are subject to the rules of the sim
[12:33] roho mbili (tf.latte): huh?
[12:33] Isa (isalia.michalak): if one of our kajira is taken , I would raise an army to free them
[12:33] Petra (petea.topaz): @
[12:33] roho mbili (tf.latte): @
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: Rocky then roho
[12:34] Rea Stoneshield (reachtail) is online.
[12:34] Loniki Loudon: Need to check Veckie rules
[12:34] Petra (petea.topaz): the Wa Ngao may not rescue but we have many friends who will
[12:34] Petra (petea.topaz): so rest assured you will be rescued
[12:34] Petra (petea.topaz): #
[12:34] sukari (sierramagelan) smiles up to balozi
[12:34] roho mbili (tf.latte): if some one is in trouble can i help or at least hollar alot and stuff like run or sweep them up with my new broom?
[12:35] roho mbili (tf.latte): smiles at Mosi Uta
[12:35] roho mbili (tf.latte): #
[12:35] Felicity Coronet: @
[12:35] Wendy Jelasco: so I will not go on a rescue mission
[12:35] Isa (isalia.michalak): you are brave , roho …. I am sure the ennemies would run seeing you come with your broom
[12:35] Jũℓα Čℓoยđ ( is offline.
[12:35] roho mbili (tf.latte): smiles brightly
[12:36] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): @
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: @@
[12:36] Wendy Jelasco: however I stroll around a bit and oh I happen to stumble into places and find Wa Ngao
[12:36] Wendy Jelasco: you can imagine what happens next
[12:36] Wendy Jelasco: En please
[12:36] Wendy Jelasco: then jazz
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: @ Let;s not get to overwrought about getting captured all of a sudden. Just reminding A/all that Jungles of Schendi is and has always been, full Gorean role play. And now We’re adding We might come to the aid of the Veck Jerag in the Jungles of Ushindi. We’re not becoming a Pew Pew tribe.
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: Nothing has really changed other than We are more readily accepted to help the Veck Jerag.
[12:37] Loniki Loudon: I might suggest that the Veckie rules of engagement be clarified for anyone doing an assist.
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: So don;t freak out. Be alert, Be ready, Be aware, as always has been My guidance
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: #
[12:38] Wendy Jelasco: jazz
[12:38] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): As First Girl, jazz wants all Wa Ngao kajirae to know taht Tribe Rule is no rescue. Count only on your ability to escape.
[12:39] roho mbili (tf.latte): nods
[12:39] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): #
[12:39] Wendy Jelasco: and the walks of Mosi Uta
[12:39] Loniki Loudon: If you are assisting the Veckies, you have to follow their rules of engagement
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Aii My Nasiha
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: @
[12:40] Loniki Loudon: If you do not have the time or willpower to be captured, I would not assisit
[12:40] Wendy Jelasco: for one thing when called and having enough online time left I will go to Veckies to help
[12:40] Wendy Jelasco: En please and then I would like this to be closed for today – we have to think about details and chat again
[12:41] Wendy Jelasco: En please
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: Asante Wendy
[12:41] Kai (kaiover): coughs and raises her hand @
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: Just remember, kajirae would not normally be assisting the Veck Jerag
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: Kai?
12:41] Kai (kaiover): about capture, If your defending usually in your limits it would say that you can not be removed from the sim. IN which ase they will tie you up, stripe you and if you are wearing a zcs meters, steal any coins you have. If you are attacking and get caught, just tell the person you do not want to further RP and the will “sail” you. which is take you to a dock and tell you to tp away, usually you are not allowed back for 30 minutes.
[12:41] roho mbili (tf.latte): adds a large tree to the fire
[12:41] roho mbili (tf.latte): frowns and rebuilds the fire
[12:42] Felicity Coronet: Well said Kai.
[12:42] Kai (kaiover): #
[12:42] Loniki Loudon: Not sure that is the Veckies rules
[12:42] Felicity Coronet: Assante
[12:42] roho mbili (tf.latte): kiss es the huntress along the way
[12:42] Loniki Loudon: Hugs Roho
[12:42] Wendy Jelasco: but could be our conditions
[12:42] Isa (isalia.michalak): smiles to Roho
[12:43] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): @
[12:43] Felicity Coronet: Kai, with Your permission I would like tho notecard what You said and share with Maebh of the Veck Jerag
[12:43] Felicity Coronet: Jazz?
[12:44] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): jazz has 3 hour capture limit in Limits, That mighr cause a few untoward comments but probably gets you left behind
[12:44] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): #
[12:44] Kai (kaiover): sure
[12:44] Petra (petea.topaz): ‘
[12:44] Petra (petea.topaz): @
[12:44] Kai (kaiover): @ one more
[12:44] Felicity Coronet whispers: Rocky?
[12:44] Felicity Coronet: Then Kai again
[12:45] Petra (petea.topaz): Just to let you Know the Shekinah will be visiting us tomorrow to trade
[12:45] Kai (kaiover): In your limits you can always say that your limits supersede the sims. usually if you don’t want to further RP, they just let you go. no one wants to Rp someone that fades to black.
[12:45] Petra (petea.topaz): 12 slt
[12:45] Petra (petea.topaz): #
[12:46] Kai (kaiover): sorry rocky, spoke too soon
[12:46] Kai (kaiover): #
[12:45] Petra (petea.topaz): Just to let you Know the Shekinah will be visiting us tomorrow to trade
[12:45] Kai (kaiover): In your limits you can always say that your limits supersede the sims. usually if you don’t want to further RP, they just let you go. no one wants to Rp someone that fades to black.
[12:45] Petra (petea.topaz): 12 slt
[12:45] Petra (petea.topaz): #
[12:46] Kai (kaiover): sorry rocky, spoke too soon
[12:46] Kai (kaiover): #
12:46] sukari (sierramagelan): @
[12:46] Petra (petea.topaz): np Kai
[12:47] Isa (isalia.michalak): #
[12:47] sukari (sierramagelan): please what is fade to black?
[12:47] sukari (sierramagelan): sawubona Huntress Eni
[12:48] Isa (isalia.michalak): @
[12:48] Kai (kaiover): you don’t talk, usually have a passed out animation too.
[12:48] Loniki Loudon: Sawubona Sis
[12:48] sukari (sierramagelan): ahhh
[12:48] roho mbili (tf.latte): grins
[12:48] Wendy Jelasco: sawubona Eni
[12:48] Enigma Innovia: sawubona wa ngao
[12:48] roho mbili (tf.latte): sawubona Huntress Brat
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: Fade to black is when you gradually disappear Sukari
[12:48] Hamasa (flamered) is online.
[12:48] Felicity Coronet: Sawubona Eni
[12:49] sukari (sierramagelan): wow, how do I do that
[12:49] Isa (isalia.michalak): you put on a kuri ring …..; laughs
[12:49] roho mbili (tf.latte): listens
[12:49] sukari (sierramagelan): huh???
[12:50] sukari (sierramagelan) sinks down her mind blown
[12:50] Isa (isalia.michalak): I take a Kuri ring and put it on my finger
[12:50] Enigma Innovia: click hels together “thers bo place like home…
[12:50] roho mbili (tf.latte): giggles
[12:50] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): lol
[12:50] sukari (sierramagelan) grins
[12:50] Felicity Coronet: It’s just an expression girl
[12:51] sukari (sierramagelan): is it like when I make butter, all I see is cookers
[12:51] Isa (isalia.michalak): ((the kuri ring , makes you invisible))
[12:51] Arjay (rje): return to rl
[12:51] Isa (isalia.michalak): it is in the books
[12:51] Loniki Loudon: Hugs Sis
[12:51] Isa (isalia.michalak): I remove the ring from my finger
[12:51] Arjay (rje): kii, just a fade to black means Loniki
[12:51] Loniki Loudon: There was only the one ring if I recall
[12:51] Isa (isalia.michalak): nods …. and I found it
[12:52] Loniki Loudon laughs
[12:52] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): @
[12:52] Felicity Coronet: Are there other comments, question or tipics that anyone would like to bring up? Now is your chance
[12:52] Felicity Coronet whispers: Jazz?
[12:52] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): What jazz was taught at Iaomai on Fade To Black……
[12:53] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): Fade to Black or FTB refers to movies where rather than show something…they Fade to Black and resume at some future point. So basically to do not rp but they can say or do what they want. Some use Fade to Black and to put but the is not really Fade To Black.
[12:53] roho mbili (tf.latte): {{RL gtg Kwa heri all}}
[12:53] Felicity Coronet: Well said Jazz
[12:53] Felicity Coronet: Kwa heri Roho . . stay safe!
[12:53] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): be safe roho
[12:53] roho mbili (tf.latte): waves and blows kisses to all
[12:54] sukari (sierramagelan): Kwa Heri 3rd sister
[12:54] roho mbili (tf.latte) is offline.
[12:54] Wendy Jelasco: kwa heri roho take care
[12:54] Felicity Coronet: Anyone else?
[12:55] Felicity Coronet: Eni?
[12:56] Enigma Innovia: The Brat has heen officially entered in the nextzar tournament to be hgosred at kiRo a
[12:56] Felicity Coronet: Hooooooooooooooooooooo!
[12:56] sukari (sierramagelan): ooooooo fingers crossed
[12:56] Felicity Coronet: Way to go Eni!!
[12:56] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster): congrats
[12:56] Enigma Innovia: *hosted at KoRoBa
[12:56] Felicity Coronet: Kewl!
[12:57] Petra (petea.topaz): smiles good luck Eni
[12:57] Kai (kaiover): see en stand
[12:57] Felicity Coronet: Please let Me know when Your matches are so I can post on the Calendar Boards as I do with Desire
[12:57] Enigma Innovia: Donations ofgame-winnint tactics are welcome
[12:57] Enigma Innovia: #
[12:57] Wendy Jelasco: you will show ’em
[12:57] Felicity Coronet smiles and winks to Kai
[12:57] Isa (isalia.michalak): woow …. I am really impressed
[12:57] Arjay (rje): @
[12:57] Felicity Coronet: Arjay?
[12:58] Arjay (rje): Just a reminder that tonight is Zar night at the Korat Village
[12:58] Arjay (rje): #
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: Aii
[12:58] Enigma Innovia: they are makinf a new ‘hopeless’ class for me to play in
[12:58] jazz (jasmine.chiantelle): makes a mental note
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: Come and learn one of the two by the book Gorean Board games
[12:58] Felicity Coronet: With that is close this Tribal Council
[12:59] Isa (isalia.michalak): oooh …. I think I could join that “hopeless” class
[12:59] Felicity Coronet: Kwa heri Wa Ngao . . . Stay safe. Be aware! Be ready!