Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


Double Ceremony For New Pledges

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[12:07] Felicity Coronet shouts: She clears Her throat and prepares to speak
[12:07] Wendy Jelasco: Sawubona Kuhani
[12:07] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): Sawubona Emm
[12:07] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): greetings rocky and wendy
[12:07] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): and shadow
[12:07] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): Sawubona Kuhani

[12:08] Kayla (Kalevala8 Resident): ((a drum can be a barrel, though usually a ‘drum’ is made of metal…the other meaning for ‘drum’ is an instrument as it is in this case))
[12:08] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): oh and jazz
[12:08] roho mbili (TF Latte): grumbles ‘lotsa people so i hope there is enough food
[12:08] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): (so I was right this one is made of wood)
[12:08] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): so sorry i’m latye had troubles with LL again
[12:08] Felicity Coronet: It is time and I call this Tribal Council to order.
[12:09] jo (Joanna Raynier): Sawubona Kuhani
[12:09] roho mbili (TF Latte): smiles and listens
[12:09] Felicity Coronet shouts: Mov forward so I do not need to shout
[12:09] Felicity Coronet smiles
[12:10] Arjay (RJE Resident): we don’t bite, at least most of us don’t
[12:10] roho mbili (TF Latte): grins
[12:10] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): grins
[12:10] Felicity Coronet shouts: As We begin this most important Council where we will decide the future of two Pledges I call upon Kuhani Emm to speak a blessing
[12:10] Loniki Loudon: No biting at council
[12:10] Kayla (Kalevala8 Resident) draws dagger and flashes blade back and forth, ready to harvest organs
[12:10] Kayla (Kalevala8 Resident) carefully puts away weapons and scans the ground for any loose acorns
[12:10] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): ty my En
[12:10] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): i hear them
[12:11] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha.
Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha.
Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél

[12:11] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): I call on call the old gods and goddesses once more
I call upon the preast kinks again as well.
[12:11] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): that you bless this woman child that she may be protected
and cared for by the tribe she has chosen. pleas guide
[12:12] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): Kay and Sherry
[12:13] Wendy Jelasco: Sawubona Ribbons
[12:14] Loniki Loudon: Sawubona Sis
[12:14] Petra (petea Topaz): Sawubona Ribbons
[12:14] Isa (Isalia Michalak): Sawubona ,family
[12:14] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): I ask
that you bless this woman child that she may be protected
and cared for by the tribe she has chosen. pleas guide
her hands and heart to be true in the tribe help her to be
steed fats and her heart true in all the has chosen to be.
[12:14] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): what say you
[12:15] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): I ask this for her and all of the taluna tribe. please return to
your relm known that I am her to over see things..i am
your spellcaster always.
[12:15] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): the gods aproov
[12:16] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): iKay and Sherry you have been blessed
[12:16] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): nods to En

[12:16] Felicity Coronet: Asante Kuhani Let us proceed with the business of this Council
[12:17] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): bows her head
[12:17] Felicity Coronet shouts: She calls out to the Pledges Kay and Sherry to come stand before Her
[12:17] Felicity Coronet shouts: Come stand before Me Pledges

[12:17] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Strides to the rim of the tribal circle
[12:17] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Abaixa a cabeça em sinal de respeito
[12:17] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): fixes eye on the Endala and moves forward to face her
[12:19] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): : She stands eyes focussed on the En…her back to the tribe

[12:19] Petra (petea Topaz): Come closer Kay
[12:20] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Caminha se aproximando onde presta atenção em En.
[12:20] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) He walks closer where he pays attention to En.
[12:20] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): (vou tentar)!
[12:20] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) I am going to try)!(
[12:21] Felicity Coronet smiles and moves to help
[12:21] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): moves next to Kay
[12:22] Felicity Coronet: Wa Ngao, this is an important moment in the life of Our tribe. Not one, but two huntresses have pledged seeking to join and become Taluna of the Wa Ngao
[12:22] Felicity Coronet: Kay . . . .Sherry . . . is that still Your desire? To become Wa Ngao Taluna?
[12:22] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): That is so En
[12:23] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Escuta as palavras da líder e prontamente responde sim é o meu desejo
[12:23] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) Listen to the leader’s words and promptly answer yes, that’s my wish

[12:23] Felicity Coronet nods and smiles
[12:24] Felicity Coronet: Then turning to Loniki She asks . . Have these Pledges completed all required tasks in good standing My Nasiha?
[12:24] Loniki Loudon: Yes, all have been complerted
[12:24] Felicity Coronet: She nods to Nasiha and continnues
[12:25] Felicity Coronet: As is the custom of Our tribe, We will no ask Kay and Sherry to speak the words of Our tribal pledge
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: As They do I ask that each of U/us . . . Taluna and kajira, re-dedicate Ourselves to the meaning of these words
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: I will speak and the Pledges will respond
[12:27] Felicity Coronet: First, as a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.
[12:27] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): I will play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability. I carry my weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress, or En, I am the best I can be.
[12:27] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Desempenharei meu papel na tribo da melhor maneira possível. Eu carrego meu peso na tribo. Seja escrava, caçadora ou En, sou o melhor que posso ser.
[12:27] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) I will play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability. I carry my weight in the tribe. Whether slave, hunter or En, I am the best I can be.
[12:27] Felicity Coronet nods and smiles
[12:27] Felicity Coronet: Second, as a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe
[12:27] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): I will never disrespect my tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and I will never tarnish it willingly or intentionally.
[12:28] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Nunca desrespeitarei minha tribo. A honra do Wa Ngao é grande e nunca a mancharei voluntária ou intencionalmente.
[12:28] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) I will never disrespect my tribe. Wa Ngao’s honor is great and I will never willingly or intentionally tarnish it.
[12:28] Felicity Coronet: Third, as a Wa Ngao I will honor my Sisters.
[12:28] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Be them slave, Huntress, or En, I respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. I would never do anything intentionally to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.
[12:28] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Sejam eles escravos, caçadoras ou En, eu os respeito do mesmo jeito. Os papéis são estações na vida ou no trabalho, mas a Irmandade transcende isso. Eu nunca faria nada intencionalmente para deixar minhas irmãs desconfortáveis, envergonhadas ou desonradas.
[12:28] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) Whether they are slaves, hunters or En, I respect them all the same. Roles are seasons in life or work, but the Fellowship transcends that. I would never intentionally do anything to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.
[12:28] Felicity Coronet: Fourth, as a Wa Ngao I will honor my home
[12:28] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): The lands of my home are the homes of my sisters. Our homes are sacred and are respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.
[12:29] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): As terras da minha casa são as casas das minhas irmãs. Nossas casas são sagradas e respeitadas. Nossa casa fornece abrigo e sustento. Protegerei ferozmente minha casa.

[12:29] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) My house lands are my sisters’ houses. Our homes are sacred and respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.

[12:29] Felicity Coronet: Fifth, as a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.
[12:29] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.
[12:29] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Nosso passado constrói nosso futuro. Nosso futuro se torna nosso passado no tempo. Nossa herança reflete nossa honra em uma terceira dimensão.
[12:29] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor in a third dimension.
[12:29] Felicity Coronet: Sixth, as a Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.
[12:29] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights to theirs. I do not weigh my values above the values of others and will decline to judge.
[12:29] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Entendo que o que gor significa para os outros é tão importante para eles quanto para mim. Embora eu possa não compartilhar todas as ideias que os outros possam ter, respeito os direitos deles. Não peso meus valores acima dos valores dos outros e me recusarei a julgar.
[12:29] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights. I do not weigh my values ​​above the values ​​of others and I will refuse to judge.
[12:29] Felicity Coronet: Seventh, as a Wa Ngao I will build on the future.
[12:30] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and gor.
[12:30] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Entendo que a educação é a base do crescimento em geral e não apenas pessoal. Farei o meu melhor para projetar uma melhor compreensão de mim mesma, da minha tribo, da minha irmandade, da minha casa, da minha herança e do meu gor.
[12:30] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal growth. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and my gor.

[12:30] Felicity Coronet: She nods to Kay and Sherry and turns to Wendy
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: I am Wendy, Mosi Uta Wa Ngao.
[12:30] Felicity Coronet: Mosi Uta, speak You words of commitment Sister
[12:31] Wendy Jelasco: Today I renew my promise and oath in the presence of all gathered here
and call again my Sisters past, present and future hear to me,
[12:31] Wendy Jelasco: I call you to witness.
[12:31] Wendy Jelasco points to the scar on her chest.
[12:31] Wendy Jelasco: This is a message for all who see it and a reminder for myself
[12:32] Wendy Jelasco: I spilled a few drops of my blood in the fire of our beacon, on the ground of our land and in the waters of the Ua.
[12:32] Wendy Jelasco: As my blood evaporated from the fire I became part of the air in the land Wa Ngao
[12:32] Wendy Jelasco: and as the rain drops form in the air I return in the gentle rains that caresses the land Wa Ngao
[12:32] Wendy Jelasco: as the drops of my blood sunk into the ground it became part of the land Wa Ngao
[12:32] Wendy Jelasco: as my blood mixed with the waters of the Ua
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: I am with my Family of Water
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: I am tiny part in the eternal circle of water in the land Wa Ngao.
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: I am the Ngao and stand between the tribe and any harm.
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: I am the Shield my of my Sisters.
[12:33] Wendy Jelasco: For that I will lay down my pixel life.
[12:34] Wendy Jelasco: I am Wendy Mosi Uta Wa Ngao
[12:34] Wendy Jelasco nods to En I stand unchanged

[12:34] Felicity Coronet: She turns and from the Great Stone takes bows and quivers handing each to Kay and Sherry
[12:34] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Bows head and receives the bow and quiver
[12:35] Felicity Coronet: Wear this bow as a symbol of Your status as a Taluna of the Wa Ngao tribe of the jungle rainforests of the Scendi rgion of Gor
[12:35] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): inclina se enquanto os pega
[12:35] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) bend over while picking them up

[12:35] Felicity Coronet whispers: She then continues and speaks of “Family
[12:35] Felicity Coronet: Two fluids are essential for life

Without either one, a person perishes
[12:35] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Dons the bow and quiver
[12:35] Felicity Coronet: One is water
[12:35] Felicity Coronet: The other blood
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: Such is also true with families
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: Two are required for a full and complete life. To keep from perishing
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: One is Our “Family of Blood”, those who We are bound to by birth
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: The Other is Our “Family of Water”, those We meet and bond with in Life
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: She smiles
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: Two Families, both essential to a successful and happy life
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: We of the Wa Ngao welcome Kay and Shrry into Our Family of Water

[12:37] Felicity Coronet whispers: ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:37] roho mbili (TF Latte): smiles brightly
[12:37] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): yay!
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: Welcome Sisters!!
[12:37] Loniki Loudon: Welcome Sisters
[12:37] Wendy Jelasco: HARROOOOOO!!!
[12:37] Wendy Jelasco: ☠†★WA NGAO TALUNAS★†☠
[12:37] Wendy Jelasco: ██ V””V ☠ ☾★ FOREVER ★☾☠ ҳ̸Ҳ̸ҳ ██
[12:37] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): smiles at En
[12:37] Kayla (Kalevala8 Resident): YAY ! WOO HOO !!!
[12:37] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): you<<<you<<<you<<<you<<<you<<<you<<<!!!!!
[12:37] Joy (Maretak Masala): welcome Huntresses
[12:37] Arjay (RJE Resident): Welcome!!!!!!
[12:37] Isa (Isalia Michalak): ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:37] Petra (petea Topaz): Welcome Sisters
[12:37] Kai (Kaiover Resident): welcome Sisters
[12:37] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): welcome sisters
[12:37] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Turns to face her new sisters
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: Come and welcome Our newest members of Our family!
[12:37] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): Welcome Sisters!!
[12:38] Wendy Jelasco: welcome Sisters
[12:38] roho mbili (TF Latte): grins
[12:38] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Smiles broadly at them all
[12:38] Ariadne Crimson14 (AriadneCrimson14 Resident) smiles
[12:38] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Sorri e uma lágrima escorre em seus olhos de emoção e alegria
[12:38] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) He smiles and a tear runs down his eyes with emotion and joy.
[12:38] roho mbili (TF Latte): asante new Huntresses of Wa Ngao
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Hooooooooooooooooooooo!
[12:38] Kayla (Kalevala8 Resident) claps and cheers
[12:38] Isa (Isalia Michalak): this is a great day for the tribe
[12:38] roho mbili (TF Latte): sniffs ‘this always makes me cry a little ‘ she whispers
[12:38] Joy (Maretak Masala): claps and claps
[12:38] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): who said palm wine?
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Come gather for a picture Wa Ngao!
[12:38] Kayla (Kalevala8 Resident) whispers to Roho “onions too”
[12:39] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Holds up her hands to speak
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: It is indeed Isa!
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Well said Sistdr
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: *Sister
[12:39] Wendy Jelasco looks to Shadow it is close
[12:39] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Vira se para as as outras que agora será as suas irmãs , sorri para as meninas.. Foi muito emocionante
[12:39] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) He turns to the others who will now be his sisters, smiles at the girls… It was very moving
[12:39] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): Welcome Sisters !
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Everyone turn and face the campfire for the picture

[12:39] roho mbili (TF Latte): smiles
[12:39] Petra (petea Topaz): get an orange box Kayla
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: City Girl, you too!
[12:40] Felicity Coronet motions to Jo
[12:41] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): Kay try to turn around to face the campfire
[12:41] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): sim
[12:41] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) sim
[12:41] ahadi (claireforfun Resident): roho stop pulling silly faces
[12:41] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): (perfect )
[12:41] ahadi (claireforfun Resident): oh you arent?
[12:41] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): giggles
[12:41] ahadi (claireforfun Resident): sorry
[12:42] Petra (petea Topaz): grins
[12:42] Felicity Coronet: Wonderful!
[12:42] Kai (Kaiover Resident): does rabbit ears behind Ahadi head
[12:42] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): now now
[12:42] ahadi (claireforfun Resident): hahahaha
[12:42] Felicity Coronet: ((Sherry, Kay, if You want to relog Your new tag should be active))
[12:43] Kay Suya (NaylaSantory Resident): Sim En obrigada ☺️
[12:43] NaylaSantory Resident whispers: (=>en) Yes En thank you ☺️
[12:43] Sherry DayThunder (SherryH99 Resident): Okay…..I want to see
[12:43] Felicity Coronet: Okay . . . let’s make our way to Ziwa Camp
[12:44] Felicity Coronet: Meet everyone there.

			Loudon Posted by:

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