Jazz becomes first Kujitoa Wa Ngao
Felicity Coronet, En of the Wa Ngao, carefully places a Tribal bow on the log where she has been sitting. Newly made it is of the strongest ka-la-na wood and will serve the tribe well. She had sent the girl Jazz to get a broom.
Jazz returns,” have broom my En, what needs cleaning my En?”
Nodding to the girl jazz she points to the spot in front of where she stands and commands “position kajira”. The tribe watches as she does. Jazz moves to precise spot En pointed to.
Felicity clears her throat and begins to speak, “Sisters, kajirae, many of you were present when first girl made a request of me. She spoke of serving the Tribe as more than a slave. To serve as the “Keeper of the Camp”, “Kujitoa” as it would be called in the Inland Dialect. I have given this request much thought, not an easy decision as it will have lasting effect on Our Tribe.”
Felicity continues, “As En I must weigh the advantages and so too the disadvantages of granting such a request. Having heard the counsel of My Sisters I have reached a decision.”
Jazz gulps as the En looks down to where the first girl kneels.
“Kajira, you hold in your hand a broom, symbol of the camp, the fire, the Home of the Tribe. And of the role you have been given to tend to matters here in camp. It is fitting you carry that as a reminder.”
Jazz smiles up while holding the broom tight while Felicity continues, “But you have also asked to contribute more if needed. Is that still your desire?”
Jazz says, “Aii my En with all my heart”.
Felicity Coronet hesitates a moment and then continues, “I have decided to grant your request first girl.”
The tribe smiles approvingly as many of discussed this over the last day.
Jazz realizes she has been holding her breath and breathes in relief.
Felicity Coronet; “Normally We would travel to the Ancient Ruins for Ceremony, but to Me it is more appropriate to do this here, in the camp of the Wa Ngao, at the fire around which We gather and draw strength.”
Jazz;” Aii my En as a Keeper of the Camp no place could be more appropriate.”
Felicity Coronet;” I have decided you, and any senior girl that requests, be elevated to become Kujitoa Wa Ngao. To tend the camp and if need be to help the Sisters defend the camp and all that are Wa Ngao. I require that you speak the words of the Tribal Pledge again to remind yourself, and all of us here, of what we have mutually pledged to each other.”
Felicity Coronet: “First, As a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.”
Jazz:” I play my role in the tribe to the best of my ability. I carry my weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress, or Kujiota, I am the best I can be.”
Felicity Coronet: “Second, As a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe.”
Jazz:” I will never disrespect my tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and I will never tarnish it willingly or intentionally.”
Felicity Coronet: “Third, As Kujitoa Wa Ngao I will honor my sisters.”
Jazz: “Be them slave, Huntress, or Kujito, I respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. I would never do anything intentionally to make my sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.”
Felicity Coronet: “Fourth, As Kujitoa Wa Ngao I will honor my home.”
Jazz:” The lands of my home are the homes of my sisters. Our homes are sacred and are respected. Our home provides shelter and sustenance. I will fiercely protect my home.”
En thinks as Jazz speaks that so much involves the home, “Fifth, As Kujitoa Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.”
Jazz:” Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.”
Felicity Coronet:” Sixth, As Kujitoa Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.”
Jazz:” I understand that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to me. While I may not share every idea others may have, I respect their rights to theirs. I do not weigh my values above the values of others and will decline to judge.”
Felicity Coronet nods and smiles softly knowing without doubt or hesitation the commitment the girl has to the Tribe. “And seventh, As Kujitoa Wa Ngao I will build on the future.”
Jazz:” I understand that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. I will do my best to project a better understanding of myself, my tribe, my sisterhood, my home, my heritage, and Gor.”
Felicity Coronet: “Sisters and kajirae, two symbols are associated with the Kujitoa, the Keepers of the Camp. One is the broom which symbolizes the domestic needs of the Tribe. The other will, from this day forth, be a bow, to symbolize the willingness of the Kujitoa to defend without question the camp and the Tribe.” Turning She takes the Tribal Bow, Wrath of the Wa Ngao, so appropriately named by Mosi Uta, and hands it to jazz. “ Take this bow as symbolic of Your dual role now jazz. Wear it with pride and a reminder of your commitment to all of us. Stand Kujitoa Jazz and face the Tribe.”
Felicity Coronet:” Two fluids are essential for life, without either one, a person perishes. One is water, the other blood. Such is also true with families, two are required for a full and complete life to keep from perishing. One is our Family of Blood, those who we are bound to by birth. The other is our Family of Water, those we meet and bond with in Life. Two families, both essential to a successful and happy life. We welcome jazz to Our Family in her new role as Kujitoa Wa Ngao!”
Jazz; “I wish all to know that her heart is still that of a kajira but she loves Wa Ngao and wished a way to serve more, to aid in protection of those she loves. Asante my En.”
Everyone approves of this wonderful new position in the tribe.
Present at the ceremony today was En Felicity, Se Loniki, First Bow Wendy, Sisters Sandi and Ayra, Pledge Ame, Kujitoa Jazz, along with Kajirae Amber, Karah, and Renu, and the jungle larl Shae.
This is a good day! I have always felt that tribal society would be far different than the ways of a city. After all, if a camp was captured we would all share the same cages. We have always felt of our kajira as members of the tribe and we trust them. We are not like cities who are afraid a armed slave will slice their throats in the dark of night. We are all family and every member is important to our survival in the wilds.