Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe

Jungles of Gor


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Double Ceremony For New Pledges

December 4, 2023


(Click images twice for max 1600 x 1200 enlargement) [12:07] Felicity Coronet shouts: She clears Her throat and prepares to speak [12:07] Wendy Jelasco: Sawubona Kuhani [12:07] Shadow Akhlys (AKHLYS Sinister): Sawubona Emm [12:07] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): greetings rocky and wendy [12:07] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): and shadow [12:07] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): Sawubona Kuhani […]

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Note From Kai regarding Meters

February 13, 2023


As travel around Gor, I have noticed that the zCS coins are being used. I have seen it for purchasing bows and sword (instead of giving out the free gift), Alice uses them at her auctions of slaves as well as a lot of city taverns use them to purchase drinks etc… The coins are […]

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The Lost Dance Files


I was recently going though some video captures that I had completely forgot about from 2019. Thought it might be fun to post them. Early on we used to practice in camp before we set aside a dedicated area. Enjoy the memories.

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Hibiki’s Tribal Tattoo & Renaming

June 22, 2021


Felicity Coronet: And to mark this occasion, from this moment on the girl is to be called “Mioko” which helps signify the girl’s Pani heritage which the girl brought to Us
Felicity Coronet: 1st Girl . . . . Attend your sister 1st Girl. See that the mark heals well and that appropriate salves and medications are used in doing so

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Wa Ngoa XIV Anniversary

April 5, 2021


Wa Ngoa 14th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Saturday, April 10 through Saturday, April 24th, 2021 SATURDAY April 10th **”Relay for Life” Dance Exhibition Donation to American Cancer Society to help fight Cancer https://secure.acsevents.org/site/SPageServer?pagename=relay 11:00 AM SLT to 12:00 Noon SLT Jungles of O North Host : Ame CELEBRATION LONG ending on Saturday April 24th, 2021 **Tribal Auction […]

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Edda And Cai Become Full Sisters

March 25, 2019


Sisters . . . We gather for what is probably the most important ceremony of Our tribe The ceremony in which Pledges and also kajirae, are admitted to Our Tribe Today We are fortunate to consider two Pledges Edda and Cai Pledges . . come stand before Me [12:40] Felicity Coronet: Edda [12:40] Felicity Coronet: […]

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Run Around Sue’s OOC

September 13, 2016


Every Friday at Noon the Wa Ngao make a Out of Character earth trip to Run Around Sue’s. Run Around Sue’s is a Rock Club that plays music from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s.

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Great Vulo Hunt

April 2, 2016


The Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe’s “Great Vulo Hunt” Sawubona Wa Ngao Friends ! As part of the Wa Ngao’s “Month of Celebration” marking the 9th Anniversary of the Tribe’s founding, all Goreans are invited to participate in the “Great Vulo Hunt”. We Invite You to Read On Below and hope you will celebrate and take […]

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Earth Outings

July 31, 2015


The tribe has been making regular OOC outings to clubs on earth. Its a fun way to bond and it has been unanimously decided its nice to get out of Gor now and then. This week the Wa Ngao went to a 50s club called Run Around Sue’s and it was a blast. We will be expanding on inviting other groups to join us on our outings.

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Sister Ame Places in RFL Sim Competition

July 23, 2015


The final weekend of Relay for Life was this last weekend and Sister Ame was asked at the very last minute to build one of the mega event websites, Fashion for Life. This is an event she worked on from 2008 – 2011 with Nevar before stepping back and taking a break. The current chairperson was traveling and didn’t have anyone lined up to build so they asked Nevar and Sister Ame, four days before Relay weekend.

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Karah Dances at Seasons of Pink

October 18, 2014


Our very own Karah gave a sparkling performance at the Seasons of Pink on the Isle of Tarns. This was a benefit dance for the prevention and cure of breast cancer and part of this year’s Boob-a-Thon for Breast Cancer Awareness month.

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Care and Feeding of Thalarions

July 22, 2014


I am writing this as a guide to thalarions. It is a growing sport racing thalarions and its a lot of fun. Thalarions are part of the G&S system and an animal you can raise but they are much more then your common animals, they are racing animals!

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