Happy Holidays 2018-2019
January 1, 2019
Best Wishes to all in the new year! The Xmas Tavern Time this years was on a OOC Platform with out Sister Ame DJing.
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January 1, 2019
Best Wishes to all in the new year! The Xmas Tavern Time this years was on a OOC Platform with out Sister Ame DJing.
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2018
Concerned citizens have been talking loudly about the problem of drunks sleeping around the outpost. If this situation persists there could be even louder talk!
Read MoreOctober 29, 2016
Come to the forbidding forest
beneath the graveyard dark and dance
with the ghouls and ghosts.
July 25, 2016
Yesterday, Sunday the 24th, the Wa Ngao performed a second performance of “The Hunt”, a dance written and choreographed by our own Sister Ame. The dance was part of a exhibition in Korat.
Read MoreMay 9, 2016
Cinco De Mayo OOC party on May 28th in the jungles of Schendi
Read MoreApril 30, 2016
1st Prize went to zenani with 2000 vulo hunted and a prize of 2000L
2nd Prize went to Arjay with 1356 vulo hunted and a prize of 1356L
3rd Prize went to Adeane with 846 vulo hunted and a prize of 846L
4th Prize went to ahadi with 116 vulo hunted and a prize of 116L
April 23, 2016
Dancers: 1. Rosa, 2. Lady Vana 3. Sheik Al Oisans and Perle 4. Eir 5. Addie MCs – Rosa and Ramius Rosa – Rosa dances with pride honoring her Masters passion for the art of Gorean dance . Rosa finds joy in dancing for the pleasure of the free. She can be seen in exhibitions […]
Read MoreApril 2, 2016
The Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe’s “Great Vulo Hunt” Sawubona Wa Ngao Friends ! As part of the Wa Ngao’s “Month of Celebration” marking the 9th Anniversary of the Tribe’s founding, all Goreans are invited to participate in the “Great Vulo Hunt”. We Invite You to Read On Below and hope you will celebrate and take […]
Read MoreFebruary 18, 2016
Starting Feb 22nd!
* A full 4 weeks of Zar Matches culminating in the Grand Finals to crown the Korat Trading Post new Zar Champion!
* 1st Place – $5,000L
* 2nd Place – $3,500L
* Top Student – $3,000L
“Vagabonds and Villains” is a comic romp set in a mythical city of Pseudopolis. We meet a mixed band of characters as they go about their travels along a road known to be full of vagabonds, with the occasional villain thrown in for good measure. We all know trips outside a city’s walls can be fraught with danger! “Vagabonds and Villains” is inspired by “Pettrucchio”, a play referenced in the novel “Players of Gor” by John Norman.
Read MoreJanuary 17, 2016
Greetings Sister It is My sad duty to report to you that My sweet Dee passed away at 6:55 pm on Thursday 1-14-2016. She was surrounded by her family and friends and went peacefully without signs of pain or anxiety.
Read MoreNovember 29, 2015
On Friday evening, Nov 27th at the exchange point, a trade event took place. In a rare instance it was recorded on video.
Read MoreSeptember 19, 2015
Today instead of our normal Tavern Time we had a special event; The Last Days of Summer Beach Party. It was well attended and many people stopped by for fun.
Read MoreMay 16, 2015
On May 2nd in the Jungles of Mists, A spring dance took place. Here are some of the highlights.
Read MoreApril 26, 2015
A busy week of activities for our annual celebration wrapped up today with a Jungle Dance Exhibition hosted by our own Sister Ame. Today’s dance exhibition brought in $37,475 L for Relay of Life. A fine exhibition of five dancers rounded the show. The show was broadcast on WHIP radio for all of Gor to enjoy.
Read MoreApril 18, 2015
A series of activities and events in celebration of the jungle rainforests of the Schendi which recognize select “anniversaries” and highlight the cultural diversity of the various tribes, trading posts, and villages found in the jungle rainforests of the Schendi region of Gor.
Read MoreDecember 20, 2014
Today marked our fourth annual Christmas Party and our second with a Narnia theme. It was well attended and unfortunately the pictures do not represent all that attended over the coarse of the party but everyone had great fun!
Read MoreOctober 18, 2014
Mel Qusifor looks at Dee and speaks, “Lady Dee, My sweet Love. You are My closest friend and I can depend on you whatever the task. I glow in the warmth of your Love.
Read MoreAugust 17, 2014
Mel Qusifor Tavern Master and Lady Dee Artisan of Korat proudly announce the birth of their son Tenrik
Read MoreJuly 6, 2014
Several days ago the girl Angel Kerang had a great idea, have a clinic that anyone can walk in and use and anyone could come for treatment.
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