Carly is now Karah of the Wa Ngao
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As the tribe begins to gather
[12:19] Felicity Coronet: When You are ready Sister would Yo give the blessing for this ceremony
[12:20] Felicity Coronet shouts: he listens carefully to the words Kuhani will speak
[12:22] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): Anál nathrach, orth’ bháis’s bethad, do chél dénmha
[12:22] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): I, Emm, Kuhani of the Wa Ngao, call upon the spirits of Gor to come to me as i have need of them.
[12:22] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): I ask that the spirits bless this collaring ceremony.
[12:23] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): This slave, the girl called Carly desires to become part of the Wa Ngao Taluna tribe.
Guide the girl’s actions so that the girl may serve and be a benefit to the tribe.
[12:23] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): Teach her and let Others do the same.
/me take’s a pause to hear their word.
[12:23] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): The spirits approve of the girl.
[12:24] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): May the spirits guide this girl’s path as we..
[12:24] roho mbili (TF Latte): smiles
[12:24] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): Now spirits, return to your realm in peace.
[12:24] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): turns to A/all and smiles
[12:24] Felicity Coronet: She nods . . . Asante Kuhani
[12:24] Felicity Coronet waits for tribe to gather and settle.
[12:24] Felicity Coronet: Wa Ngao gather around so We may see to business the First Girl brings to Our attention.
[12:25] Felicity Coronet: First Girl what is it that requires the tribes attention?
[12:26] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): My En, after much hard work by tribal kajira and with Mchungaji concurrence. First Girl offers this kajira for acceptance. *motions girl forward to kneel before En.
[12:26] Felicity Coronet: Show your submission kajira
[12:27] Felicity Coronet: She turns to Mchungaji
[12:27] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): removes a jungle twine and encircles the girl’s wrists with it, tugging at each end and knotting it tightly.
[12:27] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): looks down at the girl, holding her wrists tightly together.
[12:27] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: Repeat after Me: I, once Carly a kajira of Gor
[12:28] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): I, once Carly a kajira of Gor
[12:28] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: . . . of my own desire, hereby submit myself, completely and totally, in all things
[12:28] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): of my own desire, hereby submit myself, completely and totally, in all things
[12:28] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: . . . to My En’ and the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe.
[12:28] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): to Her En’ and the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe.
[12:29] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: A kajira, an article of Tribal property, to do with as They please
[12:29] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): still holding the girl’s wrists in Her hand . . . and with your submission, what are My choices, kajira?
[12:29] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): to kill or to collar this slave
[12:29] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): deftly reaches to Her side unsheathing Her dagger and presses it firmly against the skin of the girl’s throat . . . careful enough not to puncture the flesh.
[12:30] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): looks up to the gathered
[12:30] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: “Do I hear any who speaks for this girl?”
[12:30] mk spellcaster (m3spellcaster Resident): aii
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: I do
[12:30] Arjay (RJE Resident): Aii, accept her
[12:30] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): pauses and nods to MK
[12:30] Wendy Jelasco: accept her
[12:30] Isa (Isalia Michalak): I do , accept her
[12:30] Petra (petea Topaz): aii
[12:30] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): turns to Wendy
[12:30] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): and nods
[12:31] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): nods to Rocky
[12:31] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) looks around
[12:31] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): and waits
[12:31] Eadriana Crimson14 (AriadneCrimson14 Resident): aii
[12:31] Ame Morningstar Cheveyo (Ame Morningstar): Aii, accept her
[12:31] ahadi (claireforfun Resident): aii
[12:32] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): nods to Ead and Ame
[12:32] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): Aii
[12:32] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): pauses once more
[12:32] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): and surveys the tribe
[12:32] roho mbili (TF Latte): grins aii
[12:32] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): nods to the girl
[12:32] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): nods and removes a steel collar from Her belt, turning the steel in Her hand and reads the inscription on it to the girl . . .
[12:33] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): steps forward, placing the collar on the girl’s neck, leaving it there for an ihn, letting the girl feel the weight of the collar before snapping it shut and locking it.
[12:33] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: Repeat these words girl . . . “I am now a kajira of the Wa Ngao, My En.”
[12:33] Felicity Coronet nods
[12:33] Isa (Isalia Michalak): smiles
[12:33] Felicity Coronet nods
[12:33] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): Girl is now a kajira of the Wa Ngao, En
[12:33] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): lifts the girl’s face and asks her
[12:33] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: “who were you?”
[12:34] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): Girl was Carly
[12:34] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: “What are you now?”
[12:34] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): She is a kajira of the Wa Ngao Taluna Tribe
[12:34] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: What is your name?
[12:34] Felicity Coronet: I wish the girl to be called “Karah”
[12:34] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): whatever the En’ wishes
[12:34] roho mbili (TF Latte): smiles brightly
[12:35] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): Turning to En and nodding
[12:35] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): aii En, Girl will be known as Karah
[12:35] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: girl is to be known as Karah
[12:35] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): smiles
[12:35] Ama (Amanita Pavlova): I like that name!
[12:35] Ame Morningstar Cheveyo (Ame Morningstar) smiles at the choice of her name
[12:35] Ama (Amanita Pavlova) shouts: Now hear this Sisters, the kajira Karah is now Our property. The girl is white silk and may serve all Sisters of the Tribe as is Our custom within the limits of consensuality. I require that all issues concerning this girl be brought to Me, Se’ Nasiha, or Mchungaji.
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: This Pledge holds deep meaning to Our tribe girl
[12:36] Felicity Coronet: All have spoken and adhere to it
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: Let Us hear you speak it
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: First, As a Wa Ngao I am true to myself.
[12:37] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): This girl will play her role in the tribe to the best of her ability. She will carry her weight in the tribe. Be it slave, Huntress, or En, she shall be the best she can be.
[12:37] Felicity Coronet: As a Wa Ngao I am true to my tribe.
[12:37] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): This girl will never disrespect the tribe. The honor of the Wa Ngao is great and she will never tarnish it willingly or intentionally.
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Third, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my Sisters.
[12:38] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): Be them slave, Huntress, or En, this girl will respect them all the same. Roles are stations in life or jobs but the Sisterhood transcends that. This girl will never do anything intentionally to make her sisters uncomfortable, embarrassed, or dishonored.
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Fourth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor my home.
[12:38] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): The lands of this girl’s home are the homes of her familiy. These homes are sacred and are respected. These homes provides shelter and sustenance. And this girl will fiercely protect these homes.
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Fifth, As a Wa Ngao I will protect my heritage.
[12:38] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): Our past builds our future. Our future becomes our past in time. Our heritage reflects our honor on a third dimension.
[12:38] Felicity Coronet: Sixth, As a Wa Ngao I will honor Gor.
[12:38] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): This girl understands that what gor means to others is as important to them as it is to her. While she may not share every idea others may have, she will respect their rights to theirs. This girl does not weigh her values above the values of others and will decline to judge.
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Seventh, As a Wa Ngao I will build on the future
[12:39] carly (CarlyMarieRae Resident): This girl understands that education is the basis of growth in general and not just personal. This girl will do her best to project a better understanding of herself, the tribe, her slavery, this home, this heritage, and gor.
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Looking at the girl with a soft smile and then to all the S/sisters gathered
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Two fluids are essential for life
[12:39] Felicity Coronet: Without either one, a person perishes
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: One is water
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: The other blood
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: Such is also true with families
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: Two are required for a full and complete life. To keep from perishing
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: One is Our “Family of Blood”, those who We are bound to by birth
[12:40] Felicity Coronet: The Other is Our “Family of Water”, those We meet and bond with in Life
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: Two Families, both essential to a successful and happy life
[12:41] Felicity Coronet shouts: We of the Wa Ngao welcome Karah into Our Family of Water
[12:41] Felicity Coronet smiles
[12:41] Felicity Coronet: ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:41] Isa (Isalia Michalak): ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:41] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:41] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:41] roho mbili (TF Latte): sniffs and wipes a tear
[12:41] jazz (jasmine Chiantelle): ***Wewtwewt ***
[12:41] karah (CarlyMarieRae Resident) smiles happily to my En and each of the gathered Huntresses and kajirae
[12:41] Petra (petea Topaz): Welcome Karah